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The New Normal

Brianna Kittleson

This past year has been a real struggle for most of us. Trying to navigate through this pandemic has touched each of us differently. You may have lost your job, a loved one or are struggling to educate your children on-line.

As the Covid crisis continues we have all had to make adjustments and deal with the “new

normal”. I personally don’t like that word “new normal” because it not my normal. Also, some of us were considered essential while others were not. How can that be? I believe we are all essential in God’s eyes.

Not to mention that everyone’s stress level is at an all-time high. Some have experienced

depression, others have committed suicide, an increase in marital problems, eating everything in the house and the list goes on and on.

I personally experienced the loss of my job (laid off). I have been working since I was 10 years old and I have never not worked. You can ask anyone, and they always say, “I don’t know how you do it”. I was always busy doing something. I had a purpose.

Now I find myself feeling depressed and that I’m not needed. So, what do I do now with all of this extra time on my hands? Well, let me tell you at first, I have to admit that I was feeling

depressed and just wanted to eat everything in sight. I stayed in my pajamas most days.

Then I realized that maybe God was allowing this to happen so that I could spend more time with Him. I know that I am guilty of being so busy that I don’t have my devotions and just tell myself I will do it later. However, that usually didn’t happen. So, I started reading my Bible more and having my daily devotions. Although, I have to admit I was still in my pajama mood.

So how do we cope with all of this? The bible tells us to “cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you 1 Peter 5:7. Our answer should always be the same in every situation. Choose Christ! Let every burden, weight and worry go – God will lift you up out of the pit of despair.

Looking back over the last several months I have come to realize that God has been there the whole time. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He loves us so much.

Always remember that the Women’s Ministry Department love each of you but Jesus loves you even more! I pray that each of you will always choose Christ first in every situation!

Looking forward to sharing and laboring with all you for the women in Michigan and beyond!

Merry Christmas and hugs to all!

Cathy Oliver

Administrative Assistant

Women’s Ministry

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