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 There is a great need for the women of our church to develop skills that will enable them to serve in positions of leadership. E. G. White reminds us that "There is a higher purpose for woman, a grander destiny. She should develop and cultivate her powers, for God can employ them in the great work of saving souls from eternal ruin" (Evangelism p. 465).


If the certification seminars are not being offered in your conference, you may complete them on your own. 

Job Description


The women's ministries leader is elected by the church and serves on the church board. Qualifications include a sensitive, caring nature and a clear spiritual understanding of God's design for women. She assists the church in meeting the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs of women in their various stages of life and cultural background. She seeks to provide a spiritual climate for growth, encourages productivity, and rewards efforts and initiatives. 


The Bible gives great insight into the role of women. Biblical women were entrepreneurs, judges, homemakers, and bible teachers, to list only a few. Thus the Christian woman is called to live her life in terms of the great potential for the development and use of her abilities. 


Christian women are compassionate with godly wisdom. They choose to act, to be voices proclaiming a better way, to be hands making a tangible difference, to work towards spiritually strengthening church members as well as the community. 


As our model, Jesus ministered to women (Mark 7; Luke 7,8 and 13), restoring their self-worth and value as human beings. The increasingly complex needs of women within North American society and the church make women's ministries a key priority in the church. "They (women) can do work that men cannot do. They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach. The labor is needed" (Evangelism, page 465). "Why may they 9women) not understand their own powers, and realizing that these powers are given of God, strive to make use of them to the fullest extent in doing good to others, in advancing the work of reformation, of truth, and of real goodness in the world." (Welfare Ministries, page 161).


"Let women realize the sacredness of her work and in
the strength and fear of God, take up her mission"
(Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3, page 564).

Women today are commissioned to use the talents and opportunities God has given them to fulfill His eternal plan. The responsibility of sharing the Good News belongs to all who call themselves Christians. If the church were not to fully utilize women's gifts, the church body would be denied the internal freedom under which it flourishes best. It would be denied the benefit of the spiritual and intellectual gifts of over half of its membership. Women would experience loss and those to whom she might minister also would lose the needed help. Women's ministries involve encouraging women to discover and use their gifts. 


Women's ministries can sponsor mission projects in your community or one nearby.


The following are potential areas of need:


  • Women's Shelters and homeless shelters

  • Hospitals and nursing homes

  • Impoverished neighborhoods

  • Adults and young people who can't read proficiently


Evangelism by Women

Women should be encouraged to get involved in evangelism. There may be women in your church who are gifted with the ability to speak in public, give Bible studies, or lead small prayer or study groups. Women's ministries leaders should provide opportunities for these types of activities, being sure that women in the community are invited to each event. 


Ideas for Mentoring New Sisters in christ
  1. Upon baptism, present new sister with a devotional basket w/ a prayer journal, a nice pen, promises book, bible marking set, EGW books, post-it bookmarking tabs, bookmarks, herbal tea, special teacup or other special items. 

  2. Arrange for her & her family to be invited to 6 homes over the next 6 months for a Friday evening meal or Sabbath afternoon lunch.

  3. Provide her & her family with spiritual reading materials like; Vibrant Health, Women of Spirit, or balance magazines, or the Review & herald. 

  4. Arrange transportation if needed to/from church or prayer meeting.

  5. Call and pray with her on a regular basis.

  6. Invite her to visitations you might be doing.

  7. Invite her to help with event planning and set up. 

  8. Invite your new sister to the Women's Ministries Retreats as Camp Au Sable in April.

  9. pray for her & her family in your personal devotional time. 

  10. Keep yourself spiritually healthy so you can be a listening ear and a source of encouragement, always pointing your new sister to the Lord as the One she can trust and lean on. 






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